Is fasting and performing prayers mandatory as per Baha'i laws?

Email 1: Is fasting and performing prayers is mandatory as per the Baha’is too? Can you please clarify. Answer: Hi SR, Allah'u'Abha! Hope this message finds you well. I am glad to hear from you after a long time. I understand that you are seeking clarification on a certain matter, and we the Free Baha’is are here to assist you in any way we can. In regards to your query, I would like to refer to an extract from Kitab-i-Aqdas which I believe can provide further insight and clarity. The extract is as follows: “ Worship and Fasting are obligatory to you on your coming to maturity a command from God, your Lord and the Lord of your early fathers. Whoever is weak from illness or advanced age, God exempts him because of a Grace on His part. He is the Generous One, the Forgiver. God permits you to prostrate yourselves on everything pure, and we have taken away the ruling stipulated in the Book. God knows and you do not. Whoever does not find water, let him repeat five tim...