Did Shoghi Effendi die a natural death or was he murdered? - Part 1

Shoghi Effendi did not accept making any changes to the content of the 10-year plan, or to change the members of the International Baha'i Council, or to change its appointed Chairman (Mason Remey); and had referred in his tablet no. 101 to the statement of Abdu’l Baha, indicating, “To the people of righteous (i.e. the Baha'is)”

The continent of America is the center of the lights of spiritual insight and the country of the appearance of the secrets, the source of the virtuous people, and the place of gathering of the free people.

Therefore, John Ferraby, Hasan Afnan Balyuzi, and Ruhiyya Maxwell (who was suffering from the infertility complex, and at the same time was very angry with the appointment of Mason Remey, an old man as the president of the embryonic International Baha'i Council. Since Shoghi Effendi did not agree to take their pressure of changing the President, these people surreptitiously poisoned the him.
On Sunday, Oct 27th of 1957, the effects of the poison appeared, and the fingers of his joints started aching. Ruhiyya Khanum asked Shoghi if he was facing any other difficulty and pain, to which he replied, ’No! Just feel pain in my fingers that are contracted.’ Then added, ‘I am very tired; very tired!’

That night, Shoghi Effendi had fever. The next day his fever went up to 39C. While the members of the Britain NSA and other agencies of the UK, two Hands of the Cause, their ABMs, the prominent Physicians, high qualified hospitals, and enough money were available, Ruhiyya Khanum just contacted an unknown medicine doctor, who without visiting the patient wrote a prescription.
The physician, in the evening, after his work at the hospital went to see Shoghi Effendi. After examination, he informed that both Shoghi Rabbani and Ruhiyya were suffering from the critical Asiatic flu. Nevertheless, they did not convene any medical council, nor acknowledged the Baha’i World Center. They also did not inform the NSA of UK, and did not ask any consultation from the Baha’i specialized physicians in London.

Came next Tuesday, when Ruhiyya Khanum became so well that the doctor let her go out for an important case (though the important case was never known!) Since after the flu, Shoghi was affected by pneumonia, the doctor, after visiting him, gave an explanatory report about his medical condition to Ruhiyya Khanum.

Shoghi Effendi, according to his initial program, was interested to leave London for Haifa, but the doctor opposed him. Ruhiyya Khanum, who was the liaison officer between the Guardian and the Baha'i International Council, did not inform the Council about the situation and the changes. Again, John Ferraby, who was both, a Hand of the Cause and the Secretary of the NSA of the UK, and Hasan Balyuzi (Afnan) who was a Hand and a member of the NSA, did not inform the National Baha'i Organization, the Baha'i medical committee, and the Baha’i physicians from the case; and refused to acknowledge the sickness of the Guardian and thus prevented the formation of the Medical Consultation Council.

On Saturday morning, the 2nd of November, as Shoghi Effendi found himself in a constrained situation, hopelessly requested Ruhiyya Khanum to give him the 10-year Plan, so that he may complete it before his death!

Ruhiyya Khanum decided to prevent him, but he said, ‘No, I should complete it! Because it has occupied my thoughts, and I should finish it. Today, I received 1-2 more names by post, that should be added to the program, and finalise it!’ During the completion of the program he said, ’It seems that this case is killing me. How can I complete it?’

On that day, after finishing his work, the beloved Guardian looked very tired. For lunch, he could just eat one spoon food; and he couldn’t eat anything for dinner. The manner of his talking on that evening indicated his severe depression. He was very sad and depressed. His talking was so emotional that even those who participated is those wicked deeds, became anxious and heartbroken!
In the evening, the doctor came and visited Shoghi Effendi. He informed that Shoghi would be able to leave for Haifa on Tuesday. The next day was a Sunday, being an off for the doctor, he said that it will be unnecessary to come and visit Shoghi. By hearing that Ruhiyya Khanum became upset and shameful, because of her cooperation in those sinful deeds.

In the morning of the Sunday, November 3, she knocked at the door of Shoghi Effendi and as she heard no answer, she went in. She saw him asleep on his left side, while his eyes were open, as if he was looking at the entering people. His left hand was on his right shoulder, while his right hand was on his left hand. His eyes were open, and his stomach and intestine were blown up.
Ruhiyya Khanum contacted the doctor, and after getting assurance that Shoghi has passed away, she telephoned the Hands of the Cause, Hasan Balyuzi, and John Ferraby (who were her cooperators) and informed about Shoghi’s ascension. John Ferraby asked her to be calm and patient until his coming!
After their arrival, they released the doctor they first consulted. Then, they sutured the intestine of Shoghi Effendi and then closed the door of his room. A telegram was prepared, with the signature of Ruhiyya Khanum, and sent to Haifa on Monday:

"The Guardian of the Cause is seriously affected by the Asian flu. Tell Leroy (Ioas) to inform all the national assemblies, and the Friends to pray and request for the protection of the Cause. Ruhiyya."
Then, the Hand of the Cause, Ugo Giachery, was contacted by telephone, in Rome. He entered London at 20:00 the same day. They decided to declare the death of Shoghi Effendi via Radio. Ruhiyya Khanum was asked to neglect her previous telegram, and by sending a new telegram, acknowledges the ascension as below:

"Shoghi Effendi, the beloved of the hearts of the Baha'is, and the sacred deposit of Abdul-Baha, was ascended as a result of his affection to the Asian flu, and heart attack while fallen asleep. Repeat to the Friends to be firm and patient, and follow the institution of the Hands of the Cause, which was developed under his auspices, and has recently been consolidated by him. Only the unity of the hearts and the unity of the aim may witness the steadfastness of all the Bahai National Assemblies and the Friends towards the Guardian, who sacrificed his all life for the service of the Cause of God. Ruhiyya."

Authored by,
Major Yadullah Thabit Rasekh


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